Myddfai Community Council Minutes of February 2014 meeting

Flexibilty Classes start 19th March
March 5, 2014
Mountain Therapy- Massage & Relexology in Myddfai
March 9, 2014
Flexibilty Classes start 19th March
March 5, 2014
Mountain Therapy- Massage & Relexology in Myddfai
March 9, 2014

Myddfai Community Council Minutes of February 2014 meeting

A meeting of Myddfai Community Council was held on 3rd February 2014 in Myddfai Hall.

Present: Cllr’s Hywel Lewis, John Morgan, Carol Dyer, Garient Powell,

CC Andrew James, John Griffith.

Apologies: Gareth Hughes and Garient Davies.

Chairperson: Cllr Hwyel Lewis

Before the meeting started PC Howie Davies and PCSO Dion Parsons addressed the councillors- there has been no problems reported in the Myddfai area over the past few weeks, but within the wider area diesel and heating oil have been stolen. The police have taken issue with motorists that park at the junction of the High street and Crown Bridge this is to improve vision for motorists, it is hoped to improve turning by larger vehicles.

Cllr Lewis thanked the officer and the meeting continued

Minutes of the last meeting read, found to be true and signed.

Matters Arising:  CC Andrew James me with CCC Stuart Quick concerning the potholes and drainage Mr Quick explained that some work had been done but drainage will be a larger job so the next financial year is the earliest it could be started. Clerk to keep on file and remind in April

Bailey Rhyn’s Gate – CCC have written to properties in area to confirm ownership.

CC James also reported that all Waste Services is ongoing and the owner and CCC meet on Thursday 6th with view to continued assistance.

The Open Meeting that was held in Llangadog Hall last month was a success.

BBNP the meeting to be held in Tŷ Talcan next month with planning officers has been confirmed and the planning officers would like a breakdown of what needs to be discussed.

Bailyglas Cottage owners Williams Family

Rock House Mr & Mrs Barlow

Both properties wanted rear extensions Bailyglas required a small window to be moved. Both owners, to be invited, to the meeting letter to BBNP to be sent.

Correspondence: CCC Public Transport CC James will attend and report to Council

Asset Transfer  – to be filed

OVW The Voice

TV programme survey concerning Burial Plots, as council do not own any area – but there are 3 Chapels and the Parish Church in the area

Finances:  Bank statements presented

CCC pathway lighting £117.69 cheque signed

Donations: All the following were proposed and seconded

Ecumanical Service Commemoration on 4th August

100 yr of WW1 outbreak                              – £100

Cruse Bereavement                                       – £20

Urdd                                                             – £100

Talking Books                                               – £20

Marie Curie                                                   – £20

S.Wales Multiple Sclerosis                           – £20

League of Friends Llandovery Hospital       – £100   xray fund

Bobath Therapy                                              – £20

A.O.B CC James will be attending the following meetings and will report to council

BBNP – NPA 7.2.14

CCC   –  Footpaths in Llangadog Hall 11.2.14




Meeting Closed

Next meeting 3rd March 2014