Cawl a Chân in Myddfai Hall
January 20, 2013Myddfai Community Council – Minutes from 7th January 2013 Meeting
February 10, 2013Myddfai Spring Newsletter

Read about the latest news and events for Myddfai Hall
Tuesdays – Yoga (6 – 7.30pm)
Wednesdays – Zumba (10 – 11am)
Third Thursday of the month– Textile classes- Rag Rug 1-4pm
Last Thursday of the month – Luncheon Club, everyone welcome (12 noon)
Fridays – Computer workshop, everyone welcome (11 – 2pm)
Up & coming classes – First Aid, Raku Pottery & Textiles workshops (eg rag rug making, weaving, crochet, spinning etc) – please contact us if you are interested –for more details go to www.myddfai.org
Myddfai Hall Events for 2013 (so far)
March 23rd – Bread-making Masterclass (1) 10am-3pm
April 6th- Make your Cake & Eat it- Masterclass (2) 10am-3pm
April 12th- First aid Class- 10.30am-3pm Emergency Life Suport- Red Cross
April 20th– Car boot /table top sale 10am-4pm, FREE visitor entrance; cars outdoor £5, tables indoor £7
May 15th – Llandovery U3A all day event- Art History Tickets £15 includes lunch
June 21st -Solstice Twmpath, with Cadi Ha, 7.30pm-late Entrance Fee £6 & £4
27th July – Myddfai Summer Fair, crafts, antiques, etc 10am-4pm- if you would like a stall, please get in touch.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for other events, workshops or classes you would like to participate in please get in touch. 01550 720449 or email les@www.myddfai.org
Fundraising idea- for the Charity
Myddfai Ty Talcen Charity has signed up to the Easy Fundraising site. If you shop online with Amazon, Marks & Spencers, Argos, Tescos, Screwfix, plus over 2000 other big name stores PLEASE log on to the easyfundraising site ( www.easyfundraising.org.uk ) and chose Myddfai Ty Talcen as your cause then start shopping, it won’t cost you a penny extra, the store pays the charity (Myddfai Ty Talcen) anything from 1-15% . Please use this site for all of your online purchases and help support the Charity which in turn helps to maintain Myddfai Community Hall. Please spread the word to your friends & family. The direct link to the site is:-
New Website
For those of you who do not already know, please have a look at the new Myddfai Hall website, for news events, photos, hall hire charges etc. on www.myddfai.org . If you have any news or events for Myddfai or if you are a Myddfai business & would like to be listed on the website, free, please contact Lesley on les@www.myddfai.org . Please sign up to the newsletter if you would like to be kept informed of Myddfai news & events.
We still have a few copies of the popular Myddfai 2013 calendar available from Myddfai shop now only £5. Get your copy now. We are looking for photos for next year’s calendar; if you have any new or old photos of scenes, people or wildlife of Myddfai, please let Les know.
New Café Co-ordinator
Lyn Cooper is the new Café Co-ordinator, she is looking forward to meeting all of the volunteers. If you have any suggestions or ideas please contact Lyn on lyn@www.myddfai.org or phone the hall on 01550 720449.
Thank you
A big thank you again, to all of the volunteers & supporters that help to keep the Myddfai Centre running. If you have some spare time & would like to volunteer in the café or shop please get in touch.