Myddfai Community Council- December 2013 meeting
February 7, 2014
Charity Coffee Morning
February 26, 2014Myddfai Community Council- January 2014 meeting
A meeting of Myddfai Community Council was held on 6th January 2014 in Myddfai Hall
Present: Cllr’s Hywel Lewis, John Morgan, Carol Dyer, Garient Powell,
CC Andrew James, John Griffith, Gareth Hughes and Garient Davies.
Chairperson: Cllr Hwyel Lewis
Before the meeting started PCSO Dion Parsons addressed the councillors- there has been no problems reported in the Myddfai area over the past few weeks.
Cllr Lewis thanked the officer and the meeting continued
Minutes of the last meeting read, found to be true and signed.
Matters Arising: The Clerk reported that enquires had been made concerning C.C.C. reporting to CC Andrew James that certain work had been completed. It has been confirmed that this work has not: potholes being filled and drainage problems still flood outside properties.
CC James will look into the problems. The Clerk also has had no reply from Mr Cresi’s dept. about Bailey Rhyn’s Gate – 2 letters have been written CC James will make enquires.
Mobile Phones: reply from Edwina Hart A.M. – Ofcom response has been received to be kept on file.
Mr Cook BBNP has contacted the clerk concerning the letter sent last month and has requested a meeting with the council and the head of Planning, councillors in agreement and clerk to arrange the meeting for March
CC Andrew James also informed the council that CCC LDP is being held in Llangadog on 7th April all day 9am to 5pm.
Correspondence: Carmarthen Environment Partnership – feedback from 19th Nov 13 meeting to be filed.
OVW. –No-one to apply to go to Buckingham Palace
Training Programme, problem that no venue is local to Myddfai
Finances: Precept £850 banked
Precept for 14/15 discussed, to be kept the same as the amount is acceptable.
Bank statements presented
A.O.B: Recycling in Llangadog – CCC is to withdraw funding and therefore the company All Waste Services could be closed at the beginning of the next financial year. CC James explained the situation in full and the councillors have requested a letter to Kevin Madge at CCC explaining how strongly Myddfai Community Council disapproves of the decision.
Freedom to Roam Act – this is an issue that will need to be addressed at a later date
Meeting Closed
Next meeting 3rd February 2014