Myddfai Community Council- Minutes of meeting on 7th July 2014

Annual Grand Concert 22nd November 7pm
October 17, 2014
Fireworks in Myddfai Monday 3rd November
October 23, 2014
Annual Grand Concert 22nd November 7pm
October 17, 2014
Fireworks in Myddfai Monday 3rd November
October 23, 2014

Myddfai Community Council- Minutes of meeting on 7th July 2014

A meeting of Myddfai Community Council was held on 7th July  2014 in Myddfai Hall.


Present: Cllr’s, John Morgan, Garient Powell, John Griffith Gareth Hughes

Apologies: Cllr’s Carol Dyer Garient DaviesHywel Lewis and CC Andrew James 

Chairperson: Cllr John Morgan

Minutes of the last meeting read, found to be true and signed.

 Matters Arising: Stile at Gorllwyn Fach completed

Correspondence: OVW  Annual Meeting No-one to attend

Hywel Dda changes to services no one to attend as decision already made


         LDP Addendum to schedule does not affect Myddfai

Parking Contravention Code letter to be written about Bridge Street at Junc.A40

Dyfed Powys Police Letter to be sent explaining that questionnaire difficult to complete as Myddfai has very little crime

Traws Link Cymru Rail line not in this area

Cantref meeting no-one to go

Ombudsman Annual report to be left for residents

Consultation on Changing Sports Facilities letter to be written explaining that the small amount of sports facilities that with Llandovery having to pay is not going to encourage sports in this area

Planning: NONE

Finances: Letter from St Michaels Church asking for £200 for upkeep of church yard Agreed cheque to be sent

BDO external Audit clerk explained that the IT grant £1396 should be classed as asset. Clerk changes as requested. No other problems had been found – section 3 signed by Chair and Clerk

Form sent by 14/7/14

 A.O.B : There have been complaints that ditches on the roads into Myddfai have been dug out and the depth seems extreme and could be dangerous to motorists as acar would need assistance to get out. Letter to Highways

Meeting Closed

                                                            Next meeting 1st September  2014