Myddfai Community Council Minutes for March 2017
March 5, 2018Myddfai Community Council Minutes for May 2017
March 5, 2018Myddfai Community Council Minutes for April 2017
A meeting of Myddfai Community Council was held on 3rd April 2017 in Myddfai Hall.
Present: Cllr’s John Morgan, Gareth Hughes, John Griffith, Geriant Powell, Carol Dyer Apologies Cllr Geriant Davies, Hywel Lewis & CC Andrew James
Chairperson: Cllr Gareth Hughes
Minutes of the last meeting read, found to be true and signed.
Matters Arising:
Service of Defibrillator as all agreed last meeting Cllr Griffith brought the invoice cheque signed
OVW Job Vacancy
Area meeting
BBNP Conservation Areas Mr Ryan and Rosie Burton request a meeting – as election and AGM in May arrange in June and a request with more information
Sir Gâr Health and Care in Wales
All above filed unless stated
Bank Statements presented
CCC Footpath lighting estimate for next year
Eisteddfod Myddfai £100
Air Ambulance £100
Meeting Closed
(Minutes by Sandra Beard)