Myddfai Community Council Minutes for April 2017
March 5, 2018Myddfai Community Council Minutes for June 2017
March 5, 2018Myddfai Community Council Minutes for May 2017
A meeting of Myddfai Community Council was held on 8th May 2017 in Myddfai Hall.
Present: Cllr’s John Morgan, Gareth Hughes, John Griffith, Geraint Powell, Carol Dyer Hywel Lewis
Chairperson: Cllr Gareth Hughes
Minutes of the last meeting read, found to be true and signed.
Matters Arising:
Clerk asked for a copy of invoice for the Service of Defibrillator
As meeting with BBNP has been postponed by the Parks due to illness clerk to readdress
OVW White Paper Reforming
Local Government changes
Induction for New Councillors
Good Councillor Guide (Cllr G Hughes borrowed)
CCC Code of Conduct
All the above filed if not otherwise stated
Bank Statements presented
Morgan & Morgan computer protection
St Michaels maintenance
OVW membership
Independent Remuneration Panel concerning expenses discussed and found to be true
Clerks Expenses paid 1st payment of 2
Letter of engagement -Mr Eagan Internal Audit agreed
Expenditure agreed for 17/18 agreed
As Councillor Davies did not stand for re-election in recent election there is a vacancy on the Council. Applications to be posted for in an Advert to be displayed on Notice Boards and Website. Closing date 31st may 2017 So consideration can be made in June Meeting.
Cllr Hwyel Lewis has been asked about caravans in Forestry by OSGR. Cllr Hughes to make enquiries with part owner.
Cllr Hughes – the condition of the road past Tredrew on up to Penlantelych, a number of pot holes, then discussed Cllr Griffith would meet with CCC Mr Quick -Street Scene to report them
Meeting Closed
(Minutes by Sandra Beard)