Myddfai Community Council Minutes for September 2017
March 5, 2018Myddfai Community Council Minutes for November 2017
March 5, 2018Myddfai Community Council Minutes for October 2017
A meeting of Myddfai Community Council was held on 16th October 2017 in Myddfai Hall.
Present: Cllr’s John Griffith, John Morgan, Hywel Morgan, Hywel Lewis, Gareth Hughes, Geraint Powell, Carol Dyer
Apologies: CC Andrew James
Chairperson: Cllr Gareth Hughes
Minutes of the last meeting read, found to be true and signed.
Matters Arising:
Letter from Jonathan Edwards MP copy of letter written to CCC explaining that the community struggle with high way maintenance
Fire proof Cabinet Cllrs Clerk to continue looking
Minute books Purchased
Robin Barlow to be contacted and invited if there is a meeting in November
OVW Training dates and locations
Call of Evidence links available
Remunerations Panel link available
BBNP Rights of way
Meeting to appoint New Chief Executive
Access Forum
Dyfed Powys Police PCSO Helen Fender sent e-mail concerning Poster on Farm Theft, and the on going situation with Principal Engineer of Trunk Roads concerning the junction of Bridge Street and A40 Maps shown to council All agreed it will help and needs to be completed ASP. Clerk to contact PCSO
Llangadog Recycling Centre – CCC letter explains about forthcoming Amnesty Days November and March and the consultation about House Hold Recycling Centre required in this area.
Welsh Gov. Rural Business Scheme (Food)
Autism Bill Links Available
Boundary Commission and Electoral Changes under consultation, also arrangements
All the above filed if not otherwise stated
British Legion Wreath purchased
Clerks Expenses paid
Dementia Meeting at Castle Hotel Llandovery 24th Oct. 6.30 Clerk will attend
Meeting Closed
Before meeting Ryan Greaney from BBNP Planning had a meeting with Council Concerning Turning Myddfai into a Conservation Area situation in very early discussions
A Community Plan to be looked at, at future meeting this may benefit Myddfai with ? planning ect.
(Minutes by Sandra Beard)